2008 dizzywood halloween- 3 in onePosted by elsaworldz on Saturday, November 1, 2008
Bob for Apples: k, sorry guys but these few days my color camera is not working.. i am gonna hire someone to get the pics for me. Anyways the apples are in the river at tanglevine jungle. use levitate and stand exactly on top of the river, so you will go in the river.
Candy Corn misson: i dont have the pics for the candy corn misson, but i know that its in tanglevine jungle, explorers camp, prestos edge, wildwood glen. i am not gonna post the pics cause i heard that for each user the candy corn are in different places....i dont wanna get you confused!!
THE NEW DIZZYWOOD: hey guys, dizzywood is is updated and its halloween boogie time!! everything is updated and i got a new costume and look. get your own costume by going to a scarecrow by the circle of mage barrow.