A dizzywood journal

March 8, 2009
A dizzywood journal...

Hello, amigo! This is Syler, and a new feature has been added to this site! It's my very own dizzywood journal! All my secrets on dizzywood, what I do on dizzywood. I will be pretending that you guys are not reading, so I will say something like "I did this today..." . mark the "I" in the sentence.

Adventures in dizzywood are special, and they need a chance to be keepen.

Your own dizzywood journal!!

If you have an adventure or a special entry/occasion in dizzywood, let me know! Send us your story to
elsaworldz@yahoo.com and we will see if it is a story worth to be told. I will reply you if you won or lost with your story. Please don't feel bad if you are not choosen. If you are choosen, then you will have a choice to send us a dizzywood picture of your character, so I can post it in the front page!!

Thanks, guys. If possible, I will try to write everyday, but that is not guranteed. I might write randomly whenever I want, so come back often to check!!

Syler ~ The Syler who rocks your socks off!!~


Some things...

January 31, 2009
hey guys! im back on track! The snow cleared up today...so Yay!!!!

ok, so syler says that she made a mistake on the vallie contest.....the deadline is gone....which means that if you wanted to join, then I am sorry, but it's too late. but hey, there is always a next competition.

the Vallie Competitors:



Please look at previous posts for when to come......or email syler at
elsaworldz@yahoo.com, just put Vallie Contest, Syler on the subject bo...
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Out for maybe 2-3 days!

January 29, 2009
Hey this is elsaworldz and syler! Hey everybody...ok , we will probably NOT post for the next 2-3 days....until it's like a misson or daily event....

WHY?? Well, the snow is hitting our area here THURSDAY, FRIDAY, AND SATURDAY!!! the weather people don't know...but they say that our power MIGHT get shutted off. So, when it's snowy or rainy here, my laptop doesn't work very well...and I get a LOT of errors.

I hope you understand,
stay warm have a safe week,
elsaworldz + syler
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Participants in Vallie Fashion Show

January 26, 2009
Hey, Syler here! Ok, we got 5 participants so far! We have one more slot here...so one more person can join!

So, far ,  the participants are :


AND: lory123

Remember, you can always participate by emailing toelsaworldz@yahoo.com

The deadline for participating by email is: 2/11/09  No more deadline!! We have all the competitors!!


Participants- Please arrive at dizzywood, breezy, 2/13/09, 8:00 pm eastern time USA, prestos edge

if you have furth...

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Vallie Fashion Show!!

January 15, 2009

I am like SOOO bored today...and I was looking for excitement for today. So, I just noticed something is that, we are close to the Vallie Fashion Show!!

The Vallie fashion show is like a fashion contest, where participants dress best for Valentine's Day. Valentine's Day is Feb. 14, so I want all of you to get ready.

The Vallie Fashion Show has some game to it. You are going to pick atleast 2 items to wear. The maximum you can wear is 8, then we will give you 10 minutes to make the best outfit...

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January 10, 2009
Ok so here is the list of elsaworldz and my videos, first its the video name, then who is in it:

1. Dizzy Tv Episode 1 - chillinrazer, syler, elsaworldz

2. Milky Way -elsaworldz

3. Dizzywood Halloween 2008- elsaworldz

4. Gold Membership (dizzywood) DM(dizzywood moments) - elsaworldz

5. Bend it like Beckham -slideshow video

6. Twilight -slideshow video

7. Dizzywood true dance- chillinrazer, elsaworldz, syler

8. Merry Christmas - slideshow video

We have 8 videos. And Chillinrazer is mine and elsaworl...

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how to steal gold member clothes

January 10, 2009
ok, so this will work if you got a friend  who is a gold member. ok, so go to her/his closet. wear a shirt or pant on, then log off, and when you look on again, you will be wearing it.

but, if you take it off, you have to do the whole process again, to wear it again.

i guess thats it.............bye.

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Snow is gone.

January 4, 2009
yeah, I realized the snow is gone too.

not nice...huh?


1. New clothes are here friday.

2. check out the info. in HOME for the sticky ichor misson.

3. And, dont forget to take off those heavy winter clothes....he he.

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December 31, 2008

        2009 IS HERE!!

My resolution: Try to make this website a blog! A total blog! It will take time....but it's 4 you guys!

What's your resolution???

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More fan mails!

December 27, 2008

hey! More fan mails....coming your way!

Nice2much says "Hi, elsaworldz, how can I be a worker here?"
"Please visit my about me page for rules, and where to apply"

hi5 says "What things can I get from the snowman, if I am a gold member?"
"You can get 2 gold member things, which is a reindeer nose and a reindeer antlers." "You can also get 2 regular things which is a santa hat and a toy solider hat."

Ciara says "Elsaworldz, what do you do to get coins in dizzywood?"
"I go and mine in the elder mein...

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